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Section 116: Part to apply only to certain High Courts

This Part applies only to High Courts not being the court of a Judicial Commissioner.

Section 117: Application of Code to High Courts

Save as provided in this Part or in Part X or in rules, the provisions of this Court shall apply to such High Courts.

Section 118: Execution of decree before ascertainment of costs

Where any such High Court considers it necessary that a decree passed in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction should be executed before...

Section 119: Unauthorised persons not to address Court

Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to authorize any person on behalf of another to address the Court in the exercise of its...

Section 120: Provisions not applicable to High Court in original civil jurisdiction

(1) The following provisions shall not apply to the High Court in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction, namely, sections 16, 17 and...

Section 121: Effect of rules in First Schedule

The rules in a First Schedule shall have effect as if enacted in the body of this Code until annulled or altered in accordance...

Section 122: Power of certain High Courts to make rules

High Courts not being the Court of a Judicial Commissioner may, from time to time after previous publication, make rules regulating their own procedure and...

Section 123: Constitution of Rule Committees in certain States

(1) A Committee, to be called the Rule Committee, shall be constituted at the town which is the usual place of sitting of each of...

Section 124: Committee to report to High Court

Every Rule Committee shall make a report to the High Court established at the town at which it is constituted on any proposal to...

Section 125: Power of other High Courts to make rules

High Courts, other than the Courts specified in section 122, may exercise the powers conferred by that section in such manner and subject to...

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